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At S2Integrators, we not only deliver innovative solutions and services but also actively contribute to social value creation by taking care of our employees and through our inclusive employment practices. Our commitment to social value creation is reflected in the following principles:

Inclusive Employment Practices:

Equal Opportunities: At S2Integrators, we provide equal opportunities for career development, advancement, and leadership roles for both men and women. Our commitment to meritocracy ensures that individuals are recognized and promoted based on their skills, experience, and contributions, irrespective of gender.

Back to Work Initiative: A supportive initiative designed to welcome and empower individuals, both men and women, who are returning to the workforce after a career break. At S2Integrators, we understand the value of diverse experiences and perspectives, and we are committed to creating an inclusive environment for everyone. In line with this commitment, we have introduced a progressive “Back to work” initiative aimed at supporting men and women (largely women) who are returning to the professional sphere after an extended hiatus. Through this initiative, so far, we have provided an opportunity for over 10% of our current employees to resume their careers, of which we have both men and women represented, with majority being women. This initiative serves as a testament to our dedication to inclusivity, providing a supportive pathway for both men and women to reignite their careers and contribute their skills to our dynamic team.

We understand that individuals may take breaks from their careers for various personal reasons, and our “back to work” initiative acknowledges the unique challenges that returning men and women might face. Through tailored programs, mentorship opportunities, and flexible work arrangements, we strive to ensure a seamless transition back into the workforce, fostering a supportive environment that enables these individuals to reacquaint themselves with the workplace technology, and organizational changes that would help them excel and thrive.

Women in Leadership: S2Integrators is proud to have women leaders in key executive and leadership positions. We understand the importance of diverse perspectives in decision-making and recognize the positive impact of women’s leadership in shaping the strategic direction of our organization. We take pride in the fact that women hold significant leadership roles within our company, exemplifying our dedication to breaking stereotypes and providing equal opportunities for all. Their leadership sets an inspiring precedent, encouraging women at all levels to aspire for leadership positions and make meaningful contributions to our collective success.

Work-Life Balance: Recognizing the importance of work-life balance, we offer flexible work arrangements, work-from-home opportunities, and other initiatives that support both men and women in managing their professional and personal responsibilities.

Training and mentorship initiatives: Our training and mentorship initiatives have gained momentum within our organization. These programs are designed to provide our team members with the tools, knowledge, and guidance they need to develop their skills and advance their careers. By investing in their growth, we are not only helping individuals achieve their full potential but also strengthening our organization. The result is a more skilled and motivated workforce that contributes to higher productivity, innovation, and overall excellence.  This is evidenced by a very high retention rate at 95% since the year 2016 when the Company started its operations. The same trend is evidenced in India and Canada where the Company has expanded its operation since then.

Our commitment to diversity extends to our partnerships with a wide range of suppliers. By working with suppliers from different backgrounds and communities, we not only ensure the resilience of our supply chain but also actively contribute to a more inclusive and equitable business ecosystem.