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At S2Integrators, with over 8 years of experience and positioning ourselves between the startup and mid-level business categories, we proudly declare our identity as an environmentally conscious, responsible, and sustainable organization. We proudly champion the Green Mission, with our commitment to environmental stewardship that is deeply embedded in our corporate values and operational ethos.

The foundations of our environmental commitment that help us be a responsible business and promote sustainability are:


Employee Education: We believe that every employee plays a crucial role in promoting sustainability. To this end, we have conducted educational programs to raise awareness about responsible waste disposal. From our kitchen spaces to individual workstations, employees are informed and empowered to make environmentally conscious choices.

Trash Bin Management: In addition to recycling, we emphasize responsible waste disposal. Clear distinctions between trash and recyclables are maintained, encouraging employees to dispose of waste responsibly. Our goal is to minimize the amount of waste sent to landfills and promote a culture of waste reduction.

Electronic Recycling Partnership: Recognizing the environmental impact of electronic waste, we have established partnerships with local electronic recycling organizations. Our commitment goes beyond conventional recycling practices, as we donate our old computers and electronic waste to support these organizations. This not only ensures proper disposal but also contributes to the recycling of electronics, reducing the environmental footprint associated with electronic waste.

Energy Conservation:

Automated Sensors: We have strategically installed automated sensors throughout our office equipment. These sensors intelligently monitor and regulate the usage of electronic equipment, including computers, printers, and other devices. By automatically powering down or entering low-power modes during periods of inactivity, these sensors contribute to substantial energy savings. Also, the IT admin deployed computer settings to our work systems (laptops), to adjust to sleep mode instead of using screen savers that still use energy when the systems are inactive.

Energy-Efficient Appliances: Our commitment to energy conservation extends to the selection of energy-efficient appliances for our office equipment with high Energy Star ratings and low energy consumption profiles. This ensures that our day-to-day operations are conducted with minimal environmental impact. Upgrading our heating and air-conditioning system to an Energy Star-rated system, we were qualified for a tax credit of 18-25% of the purchase price with a $1,500 cap. Also Installing a Geothermal Heating System, we were provided a 20+% tax credit with no cap.

LED Bulbs and Lighting Automation: Traditional lighting sources contribute significantly to energy consumption. To address this, we have transitioned to energy-efficient LED bulbs.

Promoting Paperless practices

To reduce our reliance on paper, we have undergone a digital transformation. Our processes, from documentation to communication, have transitioned to electronic platforms. This not only promotes efficiency but also significantly minimizes our paper usage both at an organizational level and advocates the incorporation of the same into personal habits

Supporting Green vendors

Eco-Friendly Office Supplies: In our effort to reduce our environmental impact, we prioritize the procurement of eco-friendly office supplies. This includes paper products made from recycled materials, sustainable packaging, and other supplies that meet our environmental criteria.

Reusable and Refillable Stationery: We encourage the use of reusable and refillable items among our employees from pens, notebooks, coffee mugs, travel mugs, and steel water bottles by offering them to our employees as our branded merchandise.

Non-Toxic Cleaning Supplies: Our commitment to a healthier workplace extends to the choice of cleaning supplies. We opt for non-toxic and environmentally friendly cleaning products that prioritize the well-being of our employees and minimize the environmental impact of our cleaning practices.

Green HR initiatives:

In line with our commitment to reduce resource consumption, we promote double-sided photocopying (only when needed). This is a simple yet effective practice to significantly reduce paper usage.

For all team-building activities organized by S2Integrators, we encourage sustainable transportation, especially carpooling or organizing a bus for the entire team to travel together to destinations.

Encouraging Remote work

We transitioned from a complete in-person work environment to a Hybrid and now provide a choice to work remotely which helped us drastically cut emissions.

Increased employee volunteer days

We at S2 promote cause-driven volunteer programs that have an impact on our communities.


Our commitment to environmental responsibility is an ongoing journey. We remain dedicated to exploring new ways to further reduce our environmental impact and actively seek feedback and suggestions from our employees to enhance our sustainability efforts.